About Us

We are a group of friends that formed a ministry originally called "Girly Me Missions" back in 2009. We changed our name to "Project 1:27" in July of 2013 because we thought it better fit what we are about.

"Project 1:27" comes from James 1:27 which reads...

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction"

We feel called by God to do something to help the orphans living in Uganda.

We make and sell craft items and all of our proceeds go to sponsor Nelly, an orphan living at Calo Me Lare in Lira, Uganda.

We sponsor Nelly through Project Hope Worldwide which was started by three friends from Discovery Bible Fellowship. If your family is interested in sponsoring a child through PHW, please visit their website at projecthopeworldwide.org .

This past spring, some of the members of Project 1:27 got to meet Nelly and her sister, Anna, while visiting Uganda. It was such a great experience to meet the girl Project 1:27 sponsors as they had already developed a relationship with them through letters.

Here is a short video about Project Hope Worldwide's sponsorship program...

Uganda is on the continent of Africa and sits right on the equator. Sadly, there are about 2 1/2 million orphans living in Uganda today.

Some of the items we make and sell include baked goods, knitted dish rags, hair clips, head wraps, pillows, wall art, wreaths, bags, embroidered bibs and aprons, wreaths, frames, succulents, and painted mason jars...

Last year, we raised enough money to purchase 9 baby cribs for Arise and Shine babies home in Jinja, Uganda.

We also sell jewelry that was made in Uganda and all the proceeds go to help pay school fees for kids living there. School is not free for most children in Uganda and it's very expensive when your family doesn't have much money.

Click here for our latest sales.

If God is calling you to do something you are passionate about, listen and follow through. You can have a blast and do something great for God!

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